Monday, August 29, 2011


Well, it is official~ I now have 3 children in public school!!!  Jackson had his 1st day of kindergarten today.  He goes in the morning so that he can walk with Shayden and Tanner.  By the time I nursed Vivian and got myself ready to go I had time to go to Old Navy and then had to go pick Jackson up.  It isn't much time, but I will have almost 2 hours every morning with just Vivian! 

When I picked him up I asked him if he loved it.  His reply "It was just okay."  He was not very excited about it and didn't seem too impressed.  But he did say that "maybe once I'm more used to it, then I will like it better."  He is such a funny kid. 
Jackson has been my baby for 5 years now~ I will miss him, but he will do so well in school. I just hope he "gets used to it" so that he can start enjoying it more :)

Here is Jackson trying to do a "K" in sign language.

Random note: The other day Jackson had spilled water on his shirt just as we were getting ready to leave somewhere and I told him "don't worry Jackson, it will dry." He replied~ "No, mom~ it will evaporate."

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ahhhhh.... sleep!

Vivian slept last night from 9pm until 4am, woke up and ate, then went back to sleep until 8:30!  Was it a fluke or a glimpse of what is to come?!?  I am really hoping it is the start of some great sleeping (for both of us!)

Since I haven't blogged in quite a while, I thought I would randomly post pictures from the last couple of months at the end of each post instead of trying to do a big catch up post with a couple dozen pictures and captions.

Over the summer the kids went to an art class twice a week at a park by our house.  One of the days they made their own tye-dye t-shirts.  They had a great time with friends and it was a nice break for me to have all 3 of them out of the house for a couple of hours a week. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I love Peanuts

It's official~ we have got a little peanut in our family. Vivian just had her 2 month check up today and she is in the 10th percentile for weight and 8th percentile for height. She got 1 shot today~ she fussed for about 3 seconds and then fell asleep! Everything about her is perfect (of course!). The best things about being 2 monts old~ sleeping longer at night and smiling!!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

1st Day of School

Where did the time go?!?!? I can't believe summer is already over! Shayden starts 5th grade today and Tanner starts 2nd grade. Jackson is starting kindergarden, but he won't start until next week. This morning wasn't as crazy as I thought it was going to be (mainly because Vivian is still asleep!!!) And I even got a quick post in!!!!!