Monday, January 18, 2010


I made a goal that I was going to blog once a week and I already missed last week. I'm not off to a good start. But it wasn't for a lack of thinking about it. Almost every single day last week I thought to myself... "okay, I didn't blog yesterday so I need to post something today." Obviously that never worked out since I didn't post anything last week.

So, here I am at the beginning of a new week and I still don't have anything to write about. Is my life really that boring?!? Do I really not do anything? Of course that's not true, I am busy all the time. I guess I just don't think that very much of it is blog worthy. I am pretty sure no one wants to take time out of their busy day to read about all the loads of laundry I did, how many times I had to unload the dishwasher, bills I paid, what I made for lunch and how many toys I picked up~ because that isn't very different from what your days are like as well.

Which leaves me with my dilemma of what to write about........ (5 minute pause as I stare absent minded out my window). Still nothing......

Well, at least I wrote about how I have nothing to write about. Which you can't complain about since my goal was just to post something every week, I didn't say it was going to be good! Now I have 6 more days to come up with something to write about next week~ I better get started!


Mary Kelly said...

Post pictures! Duh!!! Even if they are old pictures we want to see your cute kids!

Lisa Michelle said...

How about a countdown of days till your 100% awesome trip to you-know-where???? Can't wait to see you!!!!!

Ware Family said...

Ha ha ha! Sounds like me and my blog. My life's riveting, but I really don't want to make everyone jealous of all the laundry I'm doing, toilets I'm scrubbing, noses wiped, lunches made, or diapers changed.