Sunday, July 6, 2008

We're Back in Business

YEA!!!!!! We are now the proud owners of a Nikon D40x camera! We have only had the camera for a few days now. I don't know how to do anything but have it on auto, point and shoot, but I am LOVING it! We have missed a couple of big, and not so big, events such as:
  • swimming lessons for Shayden and Tanner, including the kids going off the diving board by themselves on the last day of class
  • Shayden's last day of 1st grade and a fun party at a friends house
  • getting a new kitty (I will post a picture once I take one of him)
  • fun trip to Cedar City to visit Korby's dad
  • Jackson's birthday (sorry kid!)
  • 4th of July neighborhood breakfast and bike parade

But..... that is all in the past. For the 4th of July we had a fun neighborhood breakfast and bike parade (as noted above), but later that day we went to the Sandy City parade and then went camping with some family. We had a great time and it is soooo... fun to have pictures to remember it by!

The kids loved waving their free flags at all the cars and floats~ especially the ones that were throwing out candy! We weren't by very many other little kids, so our kids cleaned up with all the free candy! Tanner had a bit of a rough day. He had a bloody nose on and off almost the entire day, and he threw up that morning. I think we changed his clothes at least 4 times that day. But he was a trooper and still had a lot of fun!

We went camping in the Spruces and the kids absolutely LOVED it! It was a LOT of work to only be up there for less than 24 hours, but worth it in the end. To bring back some memories of girls camp, I braided Shayden's hair. It was so nice to have it out of her face, and not a tangled dirty mess. Best of all, she liked the way it looked when we took them all out!
While all the kids and adults were involved in a game of kickball, Jackson was having so much fun looking at all the bugs and rocks! What a little boy!
Now that I am a mom, camping isn't my favorite thing to do. It is so much more work than I ever realized. But once we are there, it is always fun and we always have a great time together.


Jeniece said...

I agree...camping with kids changes everything. I used to love spur of the moment camping trips (the one-nighter kind that you did), but now I almost insist we go for at least 2 days so it makes all the work worth it. So glad you have a camera now! Oh--and tell Korby we loved seeing he and Tanner's picture in the local paper!

Lisa Michelle said...

That parade looks like so much fun! And I can't believe how BIG Jackson is getting! Happy birthday to him!! Way to go, Camper-Mom! One of these days Bryce will plead hard enough that I'll give in... and then I'll call you for all your camping tips! :)

Mary Kelly said...

I am so glad that you like your new camera. The pictures look amazing and I can't wait for you to play photographer during out family trip. Now that you have your camera you better keep up with the posts!

Janelle said...

Those pictures are beautiful!!! AND Yes, I cannot believe how big Jackson is, CRAZY!!! Can't wait to see you next month!

Ashley S. said...

Hey Jenn, I saw that you had written about the splash park in herriman. It is on 5600 w. and about 14000 s. Really easy to find, go check it out!